Our Nation

“He makes nations great, and destroys them; he enlarges nations, and disperses them.  (Job 12:23)

Dear Friends,

Our nation is far from perfect.  It’s never been perfect.  Like many others, it’s harbored various injustices.  Its leaders and citizens have and still do make mistakes that cause suffering within its borders and beyond.  Many Americans suffer today for a variety of reasons.

Yet I love our nation, despite its imperfections.  I love the ideals our nation aspires to, and the many it successfully upholds.  I love being an American.  I am grateful to my familial forebears for coming here from Italy and England, rather than staying where they were.  I am grateful for those in my family and for millions of other Americans who have fought, bled, and sacrificed to preserve our nation.  I am grateful for those who still do.

So, I invite you to join me this week and next, as Independence Day approaches, in celebrating the countless good things about the United States of America.  It is our home.  Join me in praying for it.  May God bless it, help it learn from its past mistakes, help it grow to always embrace all of its ideals, and continue to bless millions of people’s lives in and through it.


Pastor Basile

A Prayer

Dear God,  as we face many uncertainties in the world, we ask you to dwell among us. We are comforted by the knowledge that You alone are our Savior and Lord, and the ultimate Master of life. We trust our nation to Your loving care, Lord.  Send Your Spirit to touch the hearts of our nation’s leaders.  Give them the wisdom to know what is right, and the courage to do it.  Give us Your light and Your truth to guide us in our ways so that we may seek Your will in our lives and impact the world around us for Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ Name we pray.  Amen


The Rev. Jonathan T. Basile, Senior Pastor

Zion Evangelical United Church of Christ                                                                  603 N New Jersey Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46202