Praying With The Pastor – Livelihood Crisis

Workers lined up last week to apply for unemployment benefits at the Hospitality Training Academy in Los Angeles. (Marcio Jose Sanchez/Associated Press)

“The coronavirus pandemic will cause a severe economic contraction, 14.4 million job losses and a spike in the unemployment rate this spring, with an economic recovery starting the second half of the year, economists forecast in a Wall Street Journal survey.  Business and academic economists in this month’s survey expect, on average, that the unemployment rate will hit 13% in June this year, and still be at 10% in December. The jobless rate was 4.4% in March.”  – The Wall Street Journal (04/08/2020)

Dear Friends,

In addition to causing a health crisis, the novel coronavirus pandemic is also causing an economic crisis in our nation and world that is impacting millions of people’s livelihoods.  I invite you to join me in in prayer again this week for everyone suffering in every way from the effects of this disease.


Pastor Basile

“Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’…your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.” (Matthew 6:31-32)

A Prayer

Gracious God,

We know that your love is infinite and that you care about all areas of our life.

In this time of economic insecurity, help us to trust that all of our security is in you.

Keep us mindful that you always have and always will provide for our needs.

Apart from you we can do nothing.

Merciful God,

We ask that you give our leaders the wisdom to guide our nation and the world

out of the current economic crisis, caused by the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Help us to protect the poor and all those who are struggling during this difficult time.

Provide for their needs and give them hope.

Open new opportunities for them and furnish the resources they need to live with dignity.  Encourage those who have enough to share essential resources

with those who lack the necessities of life,

and to do so with humble, grateful and loving hearts.

We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.  Amen.

  • Adapted from a prayer by The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

“Praying with the Pastor” is a resource highlighting prayer needs in our community, nation, and world.  Names of Zion members and friends requesting prayer are listed in the weekly church bulletins, and monthly Messenger Newsletter.  May God’s blessings abound as we consistently lift up the world, including our own church family, in prayer!