“Dominion and awe belong to him who establishes peace in his heights.” (Job 25:2)
Dear Friends,
Please join me this week in praying for peace and stability in the Middle East.
Blessings, Pastor Basile
A Prayer
Sustain together in undiminished hope, O God of hope, those who continue to labor with undiminished determination to build peace in the land from which, of old, out of brokenness, violence and destruction, nevertheless hope emerged for so many of faith. . . . Bless all the spiritual seed of Abraham together with the light of your Presence. For in the light of your Presence we have found a way of justice and mercy and a vision of Peace. We praise you O God, Giver of Peace, who commands us to Peace.
– Rabbi Herbert, from “Christians and a Land Called Holy: How We Can Foster Justice, Peace, and Hope”